Life is a mixed bag - ENjoy neways

I have started enjoying life again, living it in moments....
My love for nature and watching so many around me (in the cyber world) grow vegetables has stirred all the enthusiasm to grow vegetables.
My day started with me waking up before the alarm rang.
Shower, tea, breakfast and all geared to meet everyone at KGI
I almost ran down the 5 flight of stairs dint have the patience to wait for the lift.
Sling bag in place and camera laden I was out of my building and waving down a rickshaw!
Got into one and the rain gods wanted to tease me.
Lashing of rains was an understatement and I hugged my camera closer lest some moisture touches it.
I had lost my umbrella in the beginning of monsoon and had not bought another one yet.
Well my frantic praying and some last minute reprimand to self over buy a new one soon & Voila the rains became a drizzle and then a pleasant breeze and then some warm sunshine :)

I reached MNP (Maharashtra Nature Park) at 8.15 am
Paid the registeration amount & went with some smiling people to the refreshment zone.
The place was beautiful with a pretty banyan tree and loads of roses.
We sat in the auditorium and there was a planned schedule for us.
Talks and tips on organic vegetable growing to recycling and Panasonic talking about working towards a greener nation.
Then Mrs. Preeti Patil spoke what we all were waiting for how to create a beautiful garden and grow vegetables at home, terrace or our window sill. I wish she could just keep going.
This was followed by a demo on how to sow seeds, the various aspects involved to transfer a plant sapling into a bigger pot. There were so many things to learn.

We all bought a starter kit which included a plastic pot, vermi -compost, red soil, wood ash, sugarcane bagasse, a bottle of diluted amrit jal, palak seeds and a chilly sapling :)
There were stalls from which one could buy saplings, pots, containers, soil, compost, seeds.
I got myself a pepper sapling always wanted one since the time I visited a nursery and they were out of stock!
I skipped the recipe contest session and vegan lunch. A kind volunteer took me around their terrace community farm.

The ride back home was filled with thoughts of how am gonna apply all I learnt and transfer the saplings too :)

I reached my building and my heart skipped a beat.

My beautiful tree which greeted me every morning from the kitchen window.
I was livid went up and Anand shared my emotions too
Is this trimming of branches or hacking of a tree. I am seriously afraid of my society people because not long ago they "trimmed" the branches of a beautiful jackfruit tree and then covered it with cement and today no one knows there was a tree sometime back!
I was wondering what can be done even if I take pictures speak to the BMC my tree is not coming back. I already asked a few people on facebook as to whom should I contact as I had some hints... Took some pictures nevertheless of the pile of wood and the tree.

With a heavy heart I went it is we have less rains this year....why are they "trimming" in the end of August instead of beginning of mind was clouded with thoughts....why did I not act more when I came to know.....why this happened on Kitchen Garden Day! The labourers cannot be blamed, the ignorant society members cannot be blamed as they are ignorant but why cut trees the branches were not dropping or there was any danger of the branches falling in the rains bcoz of wind! The tree is so beautiful laden with flowers and houses so many birds, I have taken pictures of sun birds, parakeets, myna', the common house sparrow which is becoming so rare these days and of course the pigeans and the crows was wondering where will the sparrow couple sit....I had seen them snuggling so cutely or the sun birds who would be so brisk....

I felt sick when I overheard someone say good now the place (tiled compound) will look neat no more "kachra" (leaves, twigs & flowers) will not fall in the society compound!
Are these people that ignorant in this age of global warming with the temperature soaring in the monsoon season to 32 in Mumbai and the scanty rainfall!

The rest of the day was a quick lunch and off for the eagerly awaited Sunday afternoon nap!
 My evening tea was not the same I loved watching all the birds come to this tree in the evening for roosting.
My brooding continued with hubby cheering me with candid conversation to compliment the tea

Dinner was with dad, I love you mom & I know you are proud of me and always around us smiling. Anand as always was the perfect “son” to my dad. It soothes my heart to see how he takes care of all. You must be smiling looking at us mama....

This brings me to life is to be enjoyed in moments.
Living it with a smile on our face, compassion & passion for all we do, love in our heart for everything we do, be it smiling at your dad even though your heart hurts & you know how much he also must be missing mum, enjoying and blessing the food in front, blessing the soul who created my kit at KGI, speaking to god to bless the tree cutting enthusiasts with awareness & knowledge, thanking the universe for the love and abundance surrounding me.
With all these thoughts I slept preparing mentally to wake up to a beautiful day
Woke up early and we were off for our morning run, the weather was very pleasant compared to the last few days, walked about 100 metres and wow drizzle kept going the droplets refreshing my soul. Drizzle soon became a shower and then heavy rains! We decided to wait by the side road under some tree and fellow morning walkers without umbrellas were with us. 10 mins & no signs of slowing down!
Let’s run & we did, wow our rhythmic running and the splashing of rain water & the chill breeze. We were running & suddenly both of us were laughing out loud (ok started with me giggling & anand worried I would catch a cold!!)
Felt like school kids all excited to get wet & running in the rains unaware of a Monday morning, breakfast to be made in a rush, lunch to be packed, the impending traffic on the way to work, the never ending meetings, the maid, petty decision makings, start of a week anxiety, grocery planning and some more!
An eventful morning & weekend but the run & something slowed me....not fretting just living, enjoying & savouring every moment.

Husband off to work & I was with my plants, watering, checking most leaves and enjoying. I bend down towards my chilly plant and this pretty site welcomed me. After the pigeon shock the plant was just quite, growing well but today it was smiling at me. 

I love mother nature, she is amazing. My grass lilies are blooming again.


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